PPC for B2B Lead Generation

Start generating leads from Google Ads with ExtraDigitalPPC is great for B2B lead generation

PPC is a fast and effective way to bring in sales and leads. You can use targeted PPC marketing to show your B2B PPC ads to a highly relevant audience and get more leads fast for a relatively low cost.

If you are unsure where to start or unsure why your current ads aren’t showing you a return on investment (ROI), contact ExtraDigital, an expert lead generation agency.

Why use a lead generation specialist?

ExtraDigital are a Google Partner with qualified PPC staff. Engaging with a PPC marketing company for lead generation services is the best way to ensure you are making the most out of your B2B PPC strategy.

Online lead generation can be easy if you know what you are doing. Conversion tracking is essential for scalable, profitable campaigns. Where possible we optimise campaigns using full pipeline analyse and will be tracking web forms, phone calls, and retargeted ads across multiple platforms.

We advise on landing pages and provide ongoing AB testing as standard. We have experience working with many CRMs, such as HubSpot and SalesForce- helping you gain full insight and the costs of each stage in the customer sales journey.

ExtraDigital will ensure your campaigns are optimised and that you are not wasting your budget on targeting incorrect locations. 

Or, if you have yet to start lead gen through PPC, we will perform thorough research and focus on setting up your campaigns for success.

Get in touch today to find out how we can help with lead generation

Lead Generation Marketing Agency

ExtraDigital has extensive experience with companies of all sizes, from small business lead generation to managing international multi-brand PPC lead generation campaigns.

Ultimately, leads equal sales. We focus on the metrics that matter, aligning your company goals and your PPC goals, so we produce qualified PPC leads at a positive ROI.

Contact our expert team, who are happy to discuss how our efforts can help you with B2B lead generation.

Request a Quote

To discuss your project in further detail, call 01227 68 68 98, or complete the form below.

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