Customising Content for Cultural Relevance

Making content culturally relevant in your multilingual marketing is the key to success when expanding internationally.

Being relevant in the culture you are marketing your product or service in goes beyond simple translation. It requires localising your content to fit a country’s values, culture, and expectations.

Understanding cultural nuances and ensuring your content resonates with people from different contexts shows you have a deeper understanding of your audience.

Understanding cultural nuances

What are they?

Cultural nuances refer to the subtle differences and unwritten rules within a particular culture when localising marketing materials; understanding your audience and the nuance of their culture is especially important.

Why are they important?

Cultural nuances are essential for effective international collaboration, as they affect how your message is perceived and responded to by others. If you do not understand cultural nuances, you may unintentionally offend, confuse, or mislead someone. Understanding these cultural differences will show you are respectful, allowing consumers to trust you more.

Tailoring your content

To succeed with your localised content marketing, creating content that resonates with your audience is essential!

A group of people sitting on a bench looking at their phones

Understanding your audience

Knowing your audience is the number one priority in marketing. It is crucial to understand the difference between your domestic and international audiences so you can adjust your content accordingly as it is translated.

Market research into your international audience will allow you to understand how they differentiate and give you insight into what you need to adapt about the content you provide to your domestic audience.

Effective market research will allow you to provide a tailored experience and give you a deeper understanding of cultural nuances and consumer behaviour. This will allow you to adapt your communication strategy, leading to increased customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.

Ongoing market research will also give you an insight into the latest consumer and cultural trends in a market. Participating in these trends will allow you to reach a larger audience.

Localisation vs translation

Translation is a process that focuses on accurately converting written words from one language to another.

Localisation employs multiple techniques to adapt a content’s full meaning to fit into the culture, considering cultural nuances, idiomatic expressions, and humour.

Words or phrases that may work in your language may be translated as inappropriate in another!

Localisation also includes adjusting beyond language, such as adapting imagery, design elements, colours, symbols, and functionalities to resonate with the target audience.

One thing to be very careful with using is emojis. Certain emojis have different meanings in other countries.

Speaking your target audience’s language is essential. Being sensitive to other cultures and focusing on user experience by localising content is the most effective way to communicate cross-culturally and expand your market.

The best way to localise your content to make it culturally relevant is by using a native speaker!

Maintaining brand consistency

Brand consistency in multilingual marketing is essential for reinforcing brand identity across diverse markets, enhancing brand recall, and increasing trust.

By maintaining consistency as much as possible through design elements and values, your brand’s message remains clear and recognisable to consumers worldwide.

This consistency helps to build strong relationships with consumers, minimise confusion and strengthen your brand’s global presence.

Encouraging global engagement


Localisation encourages global engagement in multilingual marketing. It makes content more appealing by tailoring it for a specific audience.

Customers will favour a brand that engages with them in their language and resonates with them culturally, enhancing their overall user experience.

Understanding and appreciating a culture’s values allows your brand to build trust, driving greater engagement and loyalty.

Localisation allows businesses to effectively communicate their brand message in ways that are meaningful and relevant ways to each target market. This encourages better engagement, leading to more conversions and revenue.

Global campaign coordination

Global campaign coordination is key in your multinational marketing efforts. It involves aligning strategies, messaging, and execution across different markets to ensure consistency and effectiveness.

Coordinating marketing efforts and resources effectively allows you to extend your brand’s reach and impact globally as it increases visibility, trust, and engagement across your audience worldwide.

A blackboard with white text on it

Impact on brand perception and trust

Going beyond simply translating content in multilingual marketing and making it culturally relevant by localising it can enhance brand perception and increase trust.

Localising content is a powerful strategy that shows your brand is culturally aware, respectful, and committed to meaningfully engaging with its audience. It shows your brand is truly part of their culture.

Speaking to your audience in their language and tailoring your messages to resonate with their cultural values is a powerful way to create stronger connections. This allows your company to build trust, leading to greater brand loyalty.

Localising content can also help avoid offending your audience or misunderstandings due to cultural differences. The meaning of words, phrases, and colours can translate differently across diverse cultures, and adapting content accordingly can reduce the potential damage to your brand’s reputation.

Last thoughts

Going beyond simply translating content in multilingual marketing and instead localising it to make it culturally relevant will increase trust in your brand.

Essentially, localising your content reduces the likelihood of offending your target audience and shows consumers you respect their culture as you understand cultural nuances and humour.

Take the worry of localising your content out of your hands; we are a marketing agency with over 15 years of multilingual experience in over fifteen languages.

Contact us today to get started with your multilingual marketing content!

Friday 3rd May 2024

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