Increasing Checkout Completion

According to recent research, in 2016, over 68% of the users abandoned an online purchase. This indicates that there are many factors which lead on to customers to remain on a site and complete the checkout process.

With the festive season at its high and sales also approaching, many customers will be looking for e-commerce stores they can easily navigate to and from and make final and new purchases. In comparison to your online competitors, you want to make sure that you are one of the top ranking and have a site that is easy to navigate.

Read on more, to find our best top tips on how to improve customer checkout rates for your e-commerce store.

Short and easy checkout navigation

With over 70% of search happening on mobile. Customers are looking for easy and fast processes to complete their shopping. This means that load time needs to be quick on site, site needs to be mobile responsive with the mobile user interface being friendly to use.

The checkout process needs to be simple with the option to either checkout as a guest for customers that do not wish to enter their details. This allows customers to checkout faster and does not put them off if they are in a rush to purchase goods. In addition, if there are minimal fields to fill in customers are more likely to progress with payment as they are less put off.

A good design

Its vital to only ask for essential information that is required for payment and delivery purposes. This means customers checkout design needs to be simple, aesthetically pleasing and keep customers interested.

This also means ensuring that your calls to action are also clearly visible to use. Customers need to be sure what it is they need to desk. Thus, making sure buttons such as 'continue shopping', 'Continue to checkout' or 'Checkout' are clearly visible is a huge factor that will impact sales.

Clear pricing and delivery details

According to the data collected above, it is evident that customers want pricing to be displayed clearly throughout their time on the site. One factor for customers not completing the checkout process is that delivery prices are later found to be too high.

However, if customers had been aware of prices from initially entering the site, they would have the opportunity to decide then if they wanted to stay on the e-commerce store.

Customers need to know two things in regards to delivery:

  1. How much is it going to cost?
  2. When will the delivery arrive?

Therefore it is vital to ensure that these factors are considered and customers are informed about delivery information when first visiting the site.

Trusted logo’s and symbols

One making purchasing, customers want to see logo’s which gain their trust in the buying process. If they are investing time and money on your e-commerce site, they need reassurance that there is suitable security and protection for them on your site.

Logo’s which show your e-commerce store has payment security minimizes any concerns that customers may have about whether they can put in their card details during checkout process.

Following these simple steps could easily help increase customer checkout numbers and as a result, increase sales. As busy periods for sales approaches, making a few changes in 2018 can help give your business that extra push it may need this year.

Get in touch with us for a chat about ways you can increase your conversion rates. Our team of experts will be happy to help.

Monday 1st January 2018

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